Rates & Fees
Rate Schedules and Fees

VSPUD current water charges and fees and water rate schedules.
Meters are read around the 25th of each month and bills are mailed out at the end of the month. Late fees will be added if not paid by the 23rd.
Late fees are as follows $10.00 will be added to account after the 23rd of following month. We have a $25.00 returned check fee If an account is turned off for nonpayment, to reinstate a $100.00 deposit must be paid and a $25.00 turn on fee.
Water services can be turned off by request for a $25.00 fee, a $20.00 sewer standby fee is still required monthly to maintain service. We are currently in our 4th year Rate Increase. Last one is 2025.
2024 - 2025 Rates.pdf